Test Series - cyber security

Test Number 9/13

Q: _________ is the illicit transmission of data from inside an organization or personal system to an external location or recipient.
A. Data cracking
B. Database hacking
C. Data revealing
D. Data leakage
Solution: Data leakage is the illicit transmission of data from inside an organization or personal system to an external location or recipient. The phrase is used for describing data that is transferred electronically or even physically.
Q: Which of them is an example of physical data leakage?
A. Phishing
C. Dumpster diving
Solution: Physical data leakage can be done intentionally by criminal-minded people who can fetch data from dumpster diving, shoulder surfing, data mentioned in printed papers or taken out of photocopiers.
Q: _______________ is one of the 3 pre-attacking phase.
A. Footprinting
B. Data printing
C. 3D printing
D. Fingerprinting
Solution: Footprinting is a component of the reconnaissance stage that is used to gather possible information for a target computer system or network. It can be either active or passive footprinting.
Q: Which of them is not a proper step in competitive intelligence data processing?
A. Network analysis
B. Data gathering
C. Data analysis
D. Information security
Solution: In the world of data, where data is considered the oil and fuel of modern technology, Competitive Intelligence gathering is both a product and a process which comprises of some predefined steps to handle data. These are data gathering, analysis, verification, and security.
Q: For discovering the OS running on the target system, the scanning has a specific term. What is it?
A. Fingerprinting
B. screen-printing
C. 3D Printing
D. Footprinting
Solution: Fingerprinting is the name of that specific type of scanning For discovering the OS running on the target system in a network which comes under OS scanning technique.
Q: Which of them is not a standard flag used in TCP communication between client and server?
A. Acknowledgment
B. Start
C. Synchronize
D. Finish
Solution: Start is not a standard and valid flag of TCP communication in a client-server connection. These standard flags are: Synchronize Acknowledgement, Push, Urgent, Finish and Reset.
Q: Which of them is not a major way of stealing email information?
A. Stealing cookies
B. Reverse Engineering
C. Password Phishing
D. Social Engineering
Solution: There are three major ways of stealing email information. These are by stealing cookies, social engineering and password phishing technique. Reverse engineering is not a way of stealing email information.
Q: Email users who use IE as their _________________ are vulnerable to Reaper Exploit.
A. Rendering engine
B. HTML engine
C. Web engine
D. Game engine
Solution: Email users who use Internet Explorer as their HTML engine are vulnerable to Reaper Exploit. It works in the background and sends a copy of a reply or forwarded the email to its creator or sender.
Q: In _______________ attacks an attacker do not contact with authorizing party for stealing password.
A. non-electronic
B. offline
C. passive online
D. active online
Solution: In passive online attacks, the attacker do not contact with an authorized party to steal the password, rather the attacker attempts to grab password hacking without communicating with the victim or his/her victim account.
Q: Which of the following is not an advantage of dictionary attack?
A. Time-saving
B. Easy to perform
C. Very tough and inefficient
D. Very fast
Solution: A dictionary attack is a process of breaking a password protected system or server by simply & automatically entering every word in a dictionary as a password. It is very fast, time-saving and easy to perform.

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